Even the safest neighborhoods aren't safe from burglars and vandals. You never know when a criminal is casing your house or block. It's bad enough when no one is home, and your valuables and precious heirlooms are stolen or destroyed. But when someone is home during a break-in, there's always that chance of violent crime - even rape or murder.
That's why modern homeowners should know how to protect their home and families with the best technology available. The old-fashioned ways of keeping thieves outside just don't work anymore. Even the best deadlock is only as good as the quality of materials and construction used to install the door.
Home security is not a difficult subject. But homeowners should know what systems and equipment are out there and what they do or, more importantly, don't do. The security industry is booming, and there are a host of effective products available at reasonable prices. You just need to know how and where to find them.
Today, you can get coded locks, miniature cameras, laser keys, and alarm systems to protect every corner in your home. Here are some burglar alarm systems that have proven effective in preventing home burglaries.
Electric Circuit Alarms. Electric circuit alarms are placed in entry and exit points like your windows and doors. Electricity flows through a switch, and when the door is opened without the proper code or deactivation, the electrical flow is broken, tripping an alarm.
Motion Detector Alarms. These alarms are useful for guarding large areas in your house like your living room or kitchen. They use the same technology that's common in shopping malls. The motion detector emits a radio signal in the area you want to monitor. When someone or something disturbs the pattern of the signal, the detector sends an alarm to the control box, sounding the alarm.
In both types of alarms, tripping the alarm may also be configured to immediately place an automatic call to your security service or directly to local police or emergency services.
While not tremendously effective in preventing break-ins, you can use cameras to monitor and record activities both inside and outside the house. You can then give your recording to law enforcement to use in catching and prosecuting your burglar. While it won't stop the crime, it does give you a better chance of getting your stolen property back and getting justice for the callous violation of your privacy.
For home security, cameras can be either hidden or in the open. Cameras that people can see may discourage burglars and vandals, as they'll be less likely to act knowing there'll be a recording of their acts. However, they may just move to an area the camera can't see.
Hidden cameras are an improvement, but they have no power to prevent the crime. They help in identifying and arresting the perpetrator and in retrieving your property.
It's a fact that crimes against property are not only increasing, they're moving more and more frequently into the suburbs and areas away from the city center. Installing a reliable home security system may be the best decision you ever made. Even if no one ever attempts to enter your home or steal your property, a home security system can protect you and your family from fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. It can also give you a "panic button" in case of medical emergencies. The peace of mind that comes with having a home security system is priceless.
If you're considering getting a home burglar alarm and security system, there are several things you can do to learn more about it. Ask friends and relatives who already have one in their home what kind they use and if they're happy with it. Do some internet research to learn the range of equipment and prices. Check out manufacturers' reputations. Go to your local home security stores and ask questions. Make a comprehensive assessment of your home's vulnerabilities, list the things you think you need in a security system, and discuss it with a home security professional.
After you've decided what you want in a burglar alarm and home security system, have it installed by professionals. Last, but not least, hire a reputable home security monitoring service to assure quick responses to alarms that go off when you're not home and to assure that the appropriate authorities are notified immediately when they're needed.
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