You might be surprised at how widely
hidden surveillance cameras are used worldwide. They're hiding in bus stops, homes, fast food restaurants, ATMs, and convenience stores on almost every continent. Most of them feed video recording devices, but some of them are monitored live by security people for quicker law enforcement action.
Chances are good that, if you've been in a casino anywhere in the world, you've been watched and recorded by a hidden surveillance camera. They're so easy to hide, you'd be amazed. You may have been watched through a smoke detector, a speaker, or a wall clock. In fact, in the United States, it's a good bet you've been caught by many hidden surveillance cameras.
Hidden surveillance cameras have become very popular to monitor homes and businesses everywhere. Part of their popularity stems from the fact that they're small. They don't take a lot of space, they're easy to hide, and the equipment more affordable than many other security methods.
monitored surveillance methods that rely on hidden cameras are not inexpensive. The cost comes in the monitoring. For big business, it's well worth the cost. And hidden surveillance cameras are effective for mom-n-pop stores and restaurants despite the cost of constant monitoring. The cost may play a more important role for homeowners who are considering installing a
home security surveillance system.
Most security experts tell us that hidden cameras are best. After all, except for petty crimes like shop-lifting, cameras out in the open don't prevent crime. Instead, they invite vandalism. So, crime prevention isn't the reason we use surveillance cameras. It's important to remember that the great value in using hidden surveillance cameras is not preventing crime. It's catching criminals and retrieving stolen property. And if you don't record the images you capture, they're not good for law enforcement either.
Disadvantages of Hidden Surveillance CamerasThere are some disadvantages you should be aware of if you're thinking of using these small, hidden surveillance cameras. First, they have a very narrow field or limited view. It's hard to get a clear picture, and it's harder to catch the criminal's face. Second, image quality may be hard to maintain. You simply may not be able to get high enough resolution to capture quality images that could be used in court.
If you know about the concept of reasonable doubt, you know why this could be a problem. Third, because they're hidden, you can't let people know they should stand aside to give you a clear shot. The image you need may be blocked out by someone's back.
Then there's the question of principle. Especially in the United States, people are sensitive about their privacy rights. In a way, a hidden camera violates personal privacy, and many people are upset when the learn one's been used on them. They resent the fact that the store owner didn't trust them. So, if you're using hidden surveillance cameras in your business, be aware that you may offend your customers.
Further, the use of private hidden surveillance cameras has not been clearly decided by the courts. The issue is a hot button, so you'll need to be sure your state court system allows the recorded videos as evidence. And be sure your recording is video only. Many states do not allow audio recordings to be used as evidence in court, so a combined audio-visual recording might get thrown out. Before you make the investment, learn where your state is on this issue.
Advantages of Hidden Surveillance CamerasOn the other hand, hidden surveillance cameras can be a very effective tool if you aren't worried about using them for court proceedings. Particularly if you want to keep an eye on employees, a hidden surveillance camera can document employee theft and misconduct.
And if you are trying to fire an employee or take some other disciplinary action, having a record of their actions is hard to argue with. In addition to theft, hidden surveillance cameras can reassure you that your nanny is taking care of the kids properly or that your housekeeper cleaned everywhere she was supposed to.
It can also help you in disputes with contractors who bill you for work they billed but did not perform. Your payment negotiations will go much better when you show them a recording of their workmen not painting the baseboards And even if hidden
surveillance cameras aren't great tools for preventing crime, they can be useful to catch and stop shop-lifting.
Most shop-lifters are criminal wanna-be's or regular citizens who've given in to an overwhelming temptation. The theft isn't worth the cost of prosecuting, but being able to get your items back before they leave the store is certainly worth the cost of the camera.