Saturday, March 28, 2009

Surveillance Cameras Needs And Expenses

Surveillance Cameras Needs And ExpensesThere are plenty of business owners that don’t invest in surveillance cameras for one reason: the cost. On the other side of the coin, you have individuals that like to have the latest and greatest technology, no matter if it is the right solution or not. Like any type of situation, though, you need to compare what you need and what you would like to invest in. Finding the right security equipment helps to protect your place of business without risking too much of your money in the process.

If you plan to purchase something to protect your business but are not sure what fits your needs, work with a specialist. If you can’t trust that they aren’t selling you too much, use the web to help you to determine what you need. Getting the right mix of what you need and what you would like is important.

Consider your problem. Perhaps you have a problem with break-ins after hours. Here, you should consider investing in a high quality system that offers high resolution and recordings that are crisp and reliable. It’s the difference between catching these people and being victimized time and time again.

On the other hand, if you have problems with loitering in your lot late at night, instead of investing in a high quality system, you may simply need to use a few well placed inexpensive cameras, a sign or two warning about the camera and some extra lighting. This will cost less but solve your problem.

The overall need to have a product that is going to provide you with what you need should outweigh anything that you are considering. Don’t underestimate your needs or purchase less than high quality products as this won’t provide you with any benefit either. Instead, consider the best quality for your problem.

Surveillance cameras that are chosen like this are the most budget friendly and the most successful.

Pros and Cons of Hidden Surveillance Cameras

Pros and Cons of Hidden Surveillance CamerasYou might be surprised at how widely hidden surveillance cameras are used worldwide. They're hiding in bus stops, homes, fast food restaurants, ATMs, and convenience stores on almost every continent. Most of them feed video recording devices, but some of them are monitored live by security people for quicker law enforcement action.

Chances are good that, if you've been in a casino anywhere in the world, you've been watched and recorded by a hidden surveillance camera. They're so easy to hide, you'd be amazed. You may have been watched through a smoke detector, a speaker, or a wall clock. In fact, in the United States, it's a good bet you've been caught by many hidden surveillance cameras.

Hidden surveillance cameras have become very popular to monitor homes and businesses everywhere. Part of their popularity stems from the fact that they're small. They don't take a lot of space, they're easy to hide, and the equipment more affordable than many other security methods.

However, monitored surveillance methods that rely on hidden cameras are not inexpensive. The cost comes in the monitoring. For big business, it's well worth the cost. And hidden surveillance cameras are effective for mom-n-pop stores and restaurants despite the cost of constant monitoring. The cost may play a more important role for homeowners who are considering installing a home security surveillance system.

Most security experts tell us that hidden cameras are best. After all, except for petty crimes like shop-lifting, cameras out in the open don't prevent crime. Instead, they invite vandalism. So, crime prevention isn't the reason we use surveillance cameras. It's important to remember that the great value in using hidden surveillance cameras is not preventing crime. It's catching criminals and retrieving stolen property. And if you don't record the images you capture, they're not good for law enforcement either.

Disadvantages of Hidden Surveillance Cameras

There are some disadvantages you should be aware of if you're thinking of using these small, hidden surveillance cameras. First, they have a very narrow field or limited view. It's hard to get a clear picture, and it's harder to catch the criminal's face. Second, image quality may be hard to maintain. You simply may not be able to get high enough resolution to capture quality images that could be used in court.

If you know about the concept of reasonable doubt, you know why this could be a problem. Third, because they're hidden, you can't let people know they should stand aside to give you a clear shot. The image you need may be blocked out by someone's back.

Then there's the question of principle. Especially in the United States, people are sensitive about their privacy rights. In a way, a hidden camera violates personal privacy, and many people are upset when the learn one's been used on them. They resent the fact that the store owner didn't trust them. So, if you're using hidden surveillance cameras in your business, be aware that you may offend your customers.

Further, the use of private hidden surveillance cameras has not been clearly decided by the courts. The issue is a hot button, so you'll need to be sure your state court system allows the recorded videos as evidence. And be sure your recording is video only. Many states do not allow audio recordings to be used as evidence in court, so a combined audio-visual recording might get thrown out. Before you make the investment, learn where your state is on this issue.

Advantages of Hidden Surveillance Cameras

On the other hand, hidden surveillance cameras can be a very effective tool if you aren't worried about using them for court proceedings. Particularly if you want to keep an eye on employees, a hidden surveillance camera can document employee theft and misconduct.

And if you are trying to fire an employee or take some other disciplinary action, having a record of their actions is hard to argue with. In addition to theft, hidden surveillance cameras can reassure you that your nanny is taking care of the kids properly or that your housekeeper cleaned everywhere she was supposed to.

It can also help you in disputes with contractors who bill you for work they billed but did not perform. Your payment negotiations will go much better when you show them a recording of their workmen not painting the baseboards And even if hidden surveillance cameras aren't great tools for preventing crime, they can be useful to catch and stop shop-lifting.

Most shop-lifters are criminal wanna-be's or regular citizens who've given in to an overwhelming temptation. The theft isn't worth the cost of prosecuting, but being able to get your items back before they leave the store is certainly worth the cost of the camera.

Surveillance Cameras: Spying At Home

Surveillance Cameras: Spying At HomeWhen you think of surveillance cameras, you probably think of systems set up at the local business down the street that provide the store owner with a bit of security should they be robbed or otherwise hurt.

But, surveillance cameras can also be used to help protect you and your family from a variety of situations. Consider the benefits of using them to spy on various aspects in your life. At home, at work or anywhere you go, these can be used to help you in a number of ways. Discrete, small, pinhole sized cameras can be used to provide spy protection from numerous situations.

Do You Need This Protection?

One of the largest reasons to consider surveillance cameras at your place of business isn’t just to protect you from thieves and vandals. It can also help you to monitor employees. Are employees performing tasks correctly? Are they productive or perhaps they aren’t doing their job when you aren’t there? You can install small cameras near registers to monitor cash flow. Perhaps you aren’t sure if your employees are stealing from the warehouse. They can be used to monitor other employee relations as well, specific to your business’s needs.

Another benefit is to place them in your own home. While not the most recommended reason to use surveillance cameras, they can be used to find out what your spouse is doing when you aren’t at home or what your children are doing when you are at work. These cameras are used heavily for monitoring the way that nannies treat children as well. Perhaps you want to see what the babysitter does when you leave them with your children.

Any time that you use surveillance cameras for spying reasons, make sure that the reason is legal. It should always be used solely for the benefit of safeguarding your business, your employees or your family, not for vindictive means.

Nevertheless, when you need to know what is happening when you can’t be in that place then using surveillance cameras for this purpose makes sense. It can even help you to know that your business or your family is in good hands. What potential situations would you like to know more about? Can a small, well placed camera help you to make this happen?

Surveillance Cameras: The Nanny Cam

Surveillance Cameras: The Nanny CamOne of the most sought after reasons for a surveillance camera in the home today is that of a nanny cam. This is a simple, small and well placed camera that helps to monitor what happens to your child when you leave them with their nanny.

No matter if it is a babysitter for the night or a person that comes to your home day in and day out to care for your child, the need to know that your child is safe is something no parent can go without. With the help of these cameras, you are likely to find yourself in a good position, trusting the individual that’s caring for your precious child. In some cases, they can save your child’s life.

Why Use Nanny Cams

Ask yourself one question. Are you sure, beyond a doubt that the person that you have in your home is taking care of your child the way that you would like them to be taken care of? If you have any reason to believe that they are not, or you are a concerned parent, then the consideration of installing and using surveillance cameras in the home simply makes sense.

When you leave your home, many things can happen. Both physiological and physical injuries to a child can happen, without their ability to tell you about them. A small child doesn’t have the ability to tell you what happens and older children may be scared to do so. Even when you think that the nanny is a nice, warm and caring person, what they are when you leave is all that matters.

You can purchase nanny cam systems that help you to provide protection to your child in any room of the home. These surveillance cameras can be very small, well placed cameras that allow you to capture the view for virtually any area of the home. You should install them in any area of the home that your child is likely to be as well as any that you know the nanny may take the child. While this sounds like a lot of work, it may actually help you to understand the true situation at your home when you are not there.

Unless you have the ability to safeguard your children on your own, the use of surveillance cameras may be one of the best things that you can do to care for your child when you aren’t available to do so.

How Home Video Surveillance Works

How Home Video Surveillance WorksThe first video surveillance systems were used by large and medium-sized businesses to monitor for shop-lifting and to keep an eye on cash-handling areas.

They have been very effective in identifying and prosecuting criminals. Today, though, more homeowners are installing video surveillance systems. Also called closed circuit TV (CCTV), home video surveillance systems allow homeowners to monitor specific areas and keep an eye on potential thieves, burglars, and vandals.

The monitor is the defining characteristics of video surveillance systems. It receives a live picture from the camera. Normally black and white, the monitors boast higher resolutions than most home televisions, standard resolutions being between 500 and 1000 lines.

Of course, the camera is an important component of the video surveillance system. During installation, the cameras are located strategically outside the home in vulnerable areas like entry ways, porticos, and where landscaping hides access to windows. For a more effective system, cameras should be placed where they are difficult to see. They work continuously, feeding images to the monitor either constantly or at timed intervals.

Coaxial cables tie the video surveillance systems together. Available in many different sizes from local electronics retailers, they transmit the video signal from camera to monitor. These cables come with the video surveillance systems, but there are times when extra longer cables must be purchased for far-away cameras.

Home video surveillance systems also include switchers that allow the user to hook up several cameras to one central monitor. Automated switchers normally cycle through camera stations until it detects movement. When that happens, they lock on the camera where movement has occurred to monitor possible security breaches.

Some home video surveillance systems can be used with VCRs to record the live video feeds. Particularly useful when the family is away on travel, the VCR can record a break-in as it happens, saving a picture of the criminal for later investigation and prosecution. Your home video surveillance system then provides a critical piece of evidence for law enforcement.

Home video surveillance systems make it possible to get the level of security for your home that, in the past, were available only to businesses with large security budgets. Today, they are so affordable that they are used in homes across the country.

If you've been looking for a way to better protect your home and belongings, a video surveillance system may be the way to go.

One cautionary word: remember that video surveillance systems do not automatically sound an alarm or notify the police or fire department of emergencies when they occur. You'll still want to have a reliable burglar alarm system. What they will do is provide a permanent image of the crime in progress to make arrest and prosecution more likely.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Surveillance Cameras In The Home

Although surveillance cameras are not necessarily the most commonly used system for home security, they can be one of the best tools that you have available to you. When it comes to your home’s security, you want to insure that it provides you with the highest possible quality, nothing less. Why is it that surveillance cameras can add to this? Simply consider what they can offer to you.

Consider These Reasons

Take a look at these benefits and reasons for using surveillance cameras and systems in your home.

If for nothing else, a security camera can provide a deterrent to potential thieves and vandals. The camera offers no way for them to know if it is on or off but does pose a specific risk. Even if it is damaged, it is still likely to be a difficult task to accomplish without being seen. In fact, these individuals are more likely to move on to the next house, one that doesn’t have any security system simply because it’s an easier target. While this shouldn’t be the only reason that you install them, nor should it be only done with fake cameras, it is still a reason to use them.

Another benefit of surveillance cameras in the home is that it can offer you peace of mind. Should someone try to break in, you’ll have a face to put with the attempt. Indeed, considering a camera system that is also monitored through a specialized company will provide you with instant protection, even when you can’t get to the phone yourself. These systems are more expensive, as monitoring remotely will be more labor intensive, yet they provide for instant help even when you aren’t home.

In some cases, adding a security system, including surveillance cameras to your home can be an insurance break for you on your homeowner’s insurance policy. Find out if you can get any deduction for having one.

Beyond anything else, having a surveillance camera in your home is a safety tool. It helps you to monitor what is happening in your home anytime you want to. Some individuals like to use them to monitor the quality of work that landscapers do or to lower the risks that they will become targets to thieves. The right cameras in the right places provide you with an increase level of protection.

The Presence of Surveillance Cameras

The Presence of Surveillance CamerasAlthough some companies are marketing surveillance cameras that are very well hidden, often so well concealed that you may forget that they are there, this isn’t always a good thing. If you walked down a street that was filled with well to do homes, you’ll notice one thing. If the home has a security system, there’s no doubt that there is a sign in the front of the home that says so. Why would anyone want to tell everyone that the home has a system or a few cameras installed? It’s simple. When there are simple targets available, without this type of protection, why would any thief target a well protected area?

One of the benefits of having a surveillance camera is the fact that they can be seen. A thief is much less likely to go to a home that is going to be harder to get in and out of. They would rather try to hit a home that has little to no protection so that they can get into it and out of it faster, without any risk of being seen or recorded.

The Presence

How can you use this information to your benefit? There are several key ways. First, when you purchase a surveillance camera, make sure that you place it someplace that it can be seen. This will allow for anyone and everyone to know it’s there. Police departments often claim that 8 out of 10 homes that are robbed are cased, or watched, for at least one or more days before it is hit. This means that if the camera is well positioned, they will see it and head to your neighbors instead.

If you don’t want to do this, or you don’t have the equipment necessary to place a camera out front so readily, consider instead using signage that says clearly that there is a camera at the residence. Place these by all the doors of the home as well as on all sides of the home. If someone attempts to break into your home and sees these signs clearly displayed they are less likely to try to break in. After all, if they do, there’s a good chance an alarm will sound.

The presence of a surveillance camera is one of the most important things that you can do to your homes security system. Even a camera that isn’t working or works as a decoy to another is a smarter decision than going without anything.

Surveillance Cameras And CCTV

Surveillance Cameras And CCTVThe level of protection that you need through surveillance cameras may extend to the range of CCTV or Closed Circuit TV. Depending on your need, you may have a surveillance system that is set up to provide you with several cameras, various operators and digital recorders. The perfect set up means considering the need for closed circuit television which provide many aspects of security for your business.


There are many reasons to install a high quality, surveillance camera as well as a variety of other elements in your security system. Not only will it help you to make your location safer, but it provides for more efficiency and a reduced level of risk across the board.

For example, you can cut down on the loss your business takes each month by catching shoplifters in their tracks. Or, with surveillance cameras easily displayed around your location, thieves are already deterred from making your location a target. Just having them there is one of the most helpful tools.

But, you can accomplish more with surveillance cameras and a full CCTV system. For example, you can record employees as well as customers that make false claims against you. Perhaps someone claims to have fallen or that an employee mistreated them.

With a good surveillance system in place, you reduce the risk that you face considerably. If there are situations in which employees are involved in lying, cheating or otherwise being dishonest, your system can easily pick this up and report it to you.

For some types of businesses, a surveillance camera can also help you to reduce your insurance costs. By preventing thefts, deterring employee problems and even helping to stop fraudulent claims against your business, your insurance rates may be lower or you may simply meet their current requirements.

Investing in the right surveillance camera system will provide you with many different benefits, including the ability to monitor what happens at your business when you can’t be there. In many ways, this is a tool that most businesses can reap rewards from including lowering costs, increasing productivity and reducing claims against them. An effective set up like this is an investment in your business that will pay off over the long term, time and time again.

Home Security: Surveillance Cameras

For home security, a surveillance camera may be one of several parts of your security set up. You should have a full security system installed in your home, but this can mean several things. There are many parts that make up a fully functional surveillance system. Having one that is fully installed, with the necessary services and features, will allow you to feel safe where you live. Home security is one of the many things that people worry about. A system can help to minimize the worry and the risks that you face.

What Goes Into A Security System?

There are many components that can play a role in security in your home. It is up to you to select the items that make the most impact on the type of security you are looking for. Consider these things to get your mind working on the needs that you have.

• A security system should be able to alert you when someone breaks into a home. To accomplish this, you can use a number of things including silent alarms, loud alarms, sensors on windows and doors as well as surveillance cameras. If someone breaks into the home, you should know about it as soon as possible and these tools will help to accomplish that.

• Continuous monitoring of your home is also necessary. A security system often entails surveillance cameras that are set up to monitor all aspects of your home and feed back into a remote location. Should something trigger these alarms to sound, the company or service that is monitoring them can use the cameras to see what is going on at the residence and take the necessary actions.

• A security system can do more than just warn you about people break-ins. It can also help to protect you from fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. By alerting you to these changes in the home, you can escape faster, before you are put in real risk.

The right home security system provides you with protection that is full and complete. The right system requires necessary investments, such as in the equipment as well as in subscriptions to services that will monitor the home. Consider the level of risk and what you have to lose by not securing your home. Start with surveillance cameras and continue with all of the necessary items to protect your home.

Surveillance Options for Home Security

Surveillance Options for Home SecurityBefore you rush out and buy a bunch of new equipment to upgrade your home security system, you should know about your options and the types of equipment you'll want to consider. Home security surveillance options include cameras, monitors, and recording devices.

You can find a wide range of cameras for a wide range of prices from around $100 to over $1000. Clearly, it depends on what you want the camera to do. Monitors come in many sizes and prices as well. You can choose a small desktop monitor for as little as $50 or a well- equipped multi-feature monitor for over $1000. For recording the images, you can purchase a standard DVR or VCR. Vendors sell packages that contain all of this equipment with necessary accessories starting at around $1000. Of course, you can add on lots of neat high-tech bells and whistles.

The camera is the single most important part of your home surveillance security system. Most experts recommend that home security surveillance systems use hidden cameras. They are small and easy to install almost anywhere. Some cameras already come in their own camouflage outfits - plants, toys, clocks. Others come in easy-to-spot but hard-to-damage housing.

No matter how you choose to hide it, you must be careful that its range is clear from obstruction and, of course, the camera quality provides a clear image. Of course, hard-wired cameras are harder to hide and harder to install. You'll usually need to hire someone to do your installation. If you decide to add a hard-wired camera later, you can end up with a big mess and high costs.

Web cams are a favorite device for home surveillance security systems. They are small and inexpensive, and they can be used for different purposes as well. However, it may be hard to install a webcam that uses a USB cord - better to look for a wireless webcam.

The camera lens will determine how large an area you can cover and what lighting conditions are needed. You can get a dome-shaped wide-angle lens to get distortion-free images and a larger field than with most standard camera lenses. You can also find cameras that will pick up images in low light, but infrared cameras are required if you want to monitor in darkness.

Wireless cameras are easy to find. They are an excellent choice for home surveillance security systems because they can be installed almost anywhere without the hassle of using long cables or wires to connect them. They're easy to install and easy to use.

The great thing is that you can use as many cameras as you need (up to at least 16) to cover every vulnerable area in your home and yard. With the added capability to record images, you have the ability to help law enforcement capture and prosecute any criminal who enters your property.

Your choices of monitors are many. You can use cell phones, regular televisions, your computer, or a special desktop system monitor. This offers you a way to save money when you must. Your monitor allows you to observe activity as it happens, especially helpful if you want to use your system to monitor you baby in the nursery or your pets outside. Keep in mind that, without recording equipment, the monitor must be manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week if your home security surveillance system is to be effective.

A recording device is recommended for any home security surveillance system. It gives you the ability to follow up on break-ins after they've happened providing evidence of the crime to law enforcement as they search for, arrest, and prosecute the perpetrator. They can even be used as evidence in court. Home security surveillance systems do not really prevent break-ins, but they do help retrieve stolen items and catch the crook. And they're a great toy for techies.

A digital video recorder (DVR) lets you record longer and offers more recording and viewing options than standard VCRs can. You can also view the recorded DVDs on the internet as well as on your monitor or television. But a standard VCR will give you an acceptable recorded image of the event if you need to give it to police. Let your budget determine your choice of recording equipment.

As you might expect, the newer systems in the market allow for a variety of accessories and add-ons to make the most tech-savvy homeowner squeal with joy. You can add sensors that start the recorder when they detect motion or temperature changes. Light sensors can help you know when to adjust camera settings or provide more artificial light. And smoke detection sensors add to your home protection capabilities.

If you're serious about getting a home security surveillance system, you should do your homework. Learn as much as you can through the internet, then make a thorough list of your needs. Prepare a map or other description of the areas you want to monitor, then take your information to a qualified expert for a free security assessment. Many local surveillance and security companies have assessment sheets you can fill out to help you be sure you've covered all the bases and decide what system and components best meet your needs.

The number and size of areas you want to monitor, conditions like light and weatherproofing, and budget will be your major constraints. And if you decide to use a subscription monitoring service, you'll need to select the best one who can provide dependable, quick responses and outstanding service.

Due to the introduction of video, most of the large and popular security monitoring companies will charge large fees. They may even ask you to sign a long-term contract. But there are younger companies out there who offer lower prices. Price, however, shouldn't be the deciding factor. You'll need to check out a new company's performance record and recommendations before signing on with them.

Home security surveillance is a new, booming industry, and it's a good way to ensure that you get to keep even those possessions that are been stolen. It's helpful to use for other purposes (like watching the baby), and there are a wide variety of equipment and configuration options. You can stay as simple as using a webcam and your laptop, or you can get as sophisticated as installing an integrated system with top-of-the-line electronics and lots of add-ons.

What you decide depends on why you need a home security surveillance system and what you can afford to spend to get the results you want. We recommend that you do a lot of research on equipment capabilities, do a comprehensive analysis of your home and surveillance needs, talk to people who already have a home security surveillance system, and get as much advice and support as you can from experts in the field. After you've done these things, you can be sure to get the perfect home security surveillance system for your unique needs.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Home Security Appliance Control System

Home Security Appliance Control SystemModern technology helps homeowners monitor both home security and home appliances at the same time.

This one-touch home automation makes it possible to control each room in your house. By setting one central control panel, you can tell your coffee pot when to start brewing, your turn your lights on and off, open or close the garage door, or turn on the garage light to help you get to your car.

You can arrive home after work to a gleaming porch light gleaming and your favorite music welcoming you. You can go to sleep to the sounds of your favorite DVD or your favorite late- night TV show. With this customizable home automation, you can program your house to keep you with your family's routines.

Central to the home security appliance system is the remote control linked to the system center. Through the control system center, you use the remote control to operate the alarm system, the television, your DVD player and stereo, the home entertainment center, and yes even your coffee pot. Some systems even have accessory remote controls that you can attach to your key chain and operate from your car.

A few examples things a top-quality home security appliance control system will do include:

  • turn appliances, wall switches, and lighting off and on
  • adjusting the thermostat for hourly temperature fluctuations
  • program events for specific times
  • set lighting and heating systems to automatically adjust for changing sunrise and sunset hours
  • control holiday lighting
  • open and close drapes

Easy to learn to operate, the best systems are user-friendly so that you don't have to worry about a steep learning-curve. You don't have to re-wire your home for the wireless systems, and you can program timed routines to continue daily (great for when you're traveling). These convenient features create the illusion that someone's home when the house is most vulnerable when no one's there.

Once equipped with an automated home security appliance system, your smart home will be the envy of the neighborhood. As happens with any new technology, the systems prices are beginning to come down. However, at this time, the cost may be imposing to budget-conscious homeowners.

While the novelty of automatic normal household appliances is attractive, the security and peace of mind that these systems provide is their greatest value. Home security appliance control systems gives you the comfort of knowing you can control conditions in your home any time, from any place. You can monitor your home and, in emergencies, the alarm will sound. You'll be notified, and calls will go out to the police or fire departments.

With a home security appliance system, you can rest knowing that the system will shut off ventilation and gas and then light escape exits while it notifies the fire department about fire or gas leaks.

The system also helps you save money and energy by controlling home heating and cooling systems while you're away from the house. You can make those energy efficient lights, water heaters, kitchen appliances, and other appliances even more energy efficient by programming start-up and shut-down times. You can even control the thermostat throughout the day.

Home security appliance control systems offer a comprehensive integrated solution to home management. They let you control almost every element in your house and save time and money in the process. The extra bonus is the peace of mind they bring.

Isn't it time that you looked into a home security appliance control system for your house?

Home Alarm Systems Choices

Home Alarm Systems ChoicesIf you own your own home, have just moved into a new home or are thinking of purchasing a home, do you know your home alarm system choices? A little, simple research will show you that there are actually many different options out there for you and your home. The problem is not in finding one, but in finding one that meets your needs.

A home alarm system can protect you and your family from unwanted intruders as well as other dangers that can happen in a home. There are even other benefits such as the fact that it can lower your home insurance when you have an alarm system. So what type do you need? It will depend on your budget and your expectations.

There are many different types of home alarm systems and if you are looking for a great way to keep your home, your family and your possessions safe, then you should consider your home alarm system choices. You can have an alarm system hooked up to your home to windows and doors and even garages and other access points so that you will be notified if anyone enters your home or property.

Of the many choices that are available, you can look for those that work only to detect intruders or those that also detect fire, smoke, harmful gases and much more. Alarm systems for the home can range in price from hundreds, to thousands of dollars or more. There are some that come with fancy alarms, spotlights, camera systems and much more. Others are simple, but do the job.

When thinking about your home security, you may also think about the security of your other property. Some other types of alarm systems include automobile alarm systems, motorcycle alarm systems, ATV alarm systems and commercial alarm systems.

Home Security Alarm

Home Security AlarmConsider these statistics. U.S. fire departments respond to a call every 19 seconds. Fires double their size every 79 seconds. Some 3900 people die in fires every year, and 82% of those deaths occur in homes. One home burglary is underway very 15 seconds in the U.S., and each one costs the homeowner an average of $1700. The statistics make the picture clear: home security alarm systems and services are an important way to protect your life and home.

The home security industry is booming business, but two providers stand out: ADT and Brinks.

ADT Security Services

In business for over 130 years, ADT is the largest home security monitoring service in the United States. Initially a telegraph service, American District Telegraph (ADT) was established in 1874. By the 1890s, the company was in the business of providing advanced call boxes and electric protection systems. In 1981, ADT introduced its Safewatch residential security system, going wireless in the early 1990s.

Trusted by the federal government, ADT holds the contract to protect U.S. federal courthouses. It supports over 6 million business and residential customers, including many of the country's busiest airports. In 2004, ADT responded to more than 50,000 in-progress crimes.

ADT's standard home security alarm systems include the basics common to other security service providers. System components include the control center, a keypad for entering commands, an interior alarm, a standard transformer and back-up for power losses, window decals and warning signs, and hard-wired sensors for windows, doors, and motion detection.

More advanced add-ons and wireless systems are available for added cost.

ADT rewards customer loyalty by offering customers of two or more years a premium mover package that provides a free system in new homes and discounts toward service upgrades when the customer moves.

ADT lives up to its number one rank and provide reliable home security monitoring services at a reasonable cost. You can't go wrong when you choose them to help protect your home and family.

Brinks Home Security

In business since 1859, Brinks has a long-established reputation for protecting people's property. Originally a delivery service, Brinks established a worldwide reputation for its armored transport services, and it's transported some of the most valuable items in the world (for example, the U.S. Declaration of Independence).

Brinks is the only national full-service security provider to hold Installation Quality Certification awarded by the National Burglary and Fire Alarm Association. It's also been recognized by A.J. Powers for delivering "An Outstanding Customer Service Experience."

Rapid Response is not only the company's motto, it's their goal. Brinks offer well-trained certified staff who monitor home security systems and assure prompt notification to police and emergency service. Like ADT, they both install and monitor home security systems.

They offer the same standard home security system as ADT, with comparable features and prices. Brinks take pride, however, it its user-friendly keypad and website. They recognize that they'll lose customers if either are difficult to use or confusing.

Their standard system includes the standard control panel, a one-touch keypad, two window or door sensors, a motion detector, an interior siren, and window decals and yard signs to let burglars know you're protected by Brinks. Optional add-ons are available for additional cost, including features like outdoor sirens, strobe lights, and sensors for heat, moisture, glassbreak, and temperature.

Homeowners shopping for a home security alarm system and monitoring service will do well to talk to the professional staff at ADT or Brinks. They'll know they're dealing with long established reputable firms who work hard to maintain the good reputations they've built over the last 100 years. Both companies aren't located in all major cities, but both are expanding.

ADT and Brinks both demonstrate qualities consumers of home security systems should demand: well-trained customer-oriented staff, reliable quality products, and competitive prices. Selecting between ADT and Brinks guarantees the homeowner dependable service, responsive support, and a business relationship that will endure for many years to come.

Using Alarm Systems To The Fullest

Using Alarm Systems To The FullestIf you really want to make sure you are using your alarm system to the fullest, you will want to make sure you follow up on any regular maintenance issues as well as make sure that it is in good working order at all times. If you suspect there is a problem in your wiring, with your batteries, that your batteries are dead or any other complication, just call the company and find out what can be done about it.

You know that your family and your home are important. This is the reason why you got a security alarm system in the first place but what good will it do for you if you are not using it as you should? Make sure you are using it to its fullest potential by considering these tips below.

Here are some other tips to keep in mind:

1. Remember to arm the alarm. So many people have systems but they get lazy or in a hurry and they do not arm them.

2. Keep maintenance up to date. Make sure all of your required maintained is done when needed and on time.

3. Perform regular tests. Tests help ensure you that your system is working how you should. They are similar to fire drills held in schools. You will not know that your system is failing until it is too late if you do not test it first.

4. Learn all you can. Make sure you read all of your guides and manuals completely and that you fully understand how your system is supposed to work. Become familiar with how to use your controls.

5. Keep payments up to date. Be sure that if you are required to pay monthly fees for the monitoring service of if you are making payments on your system that you keep your payments up to date so you have no fear of losing your service of your alarm system.

Remember your alarm system is an important tool. There are many things it can see and detect but not unless it is in proper working order and you are taking care of it properly. Use your alarm to its fullest potential and your home worries and fears will be a thing of the past.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Auto Alarm Systems Features

Auto Alarm Systems FeaturesYou are not alone in your quest for a great auto alarm system. Most everyone wants a way to secure their car and many come from the manufacturer with some type of alarm system or anti-theft protection already.

When it comes to choosing a car alarm, there are many features which you may want on your alarm and that may not come with your standard alarm system. If you want these features, you may have to purchase them separately or buy an entirely new alarm system. Some of them, however, can be very helpful to you and the safety of your vehicle.

There are so many different types of automobile alarm system options today and each with its own list of features. Here are some common features your car alarm may or may not have:

1. Active re-arm feature: when the alarm has been disarmed, the alarm will automatically re- arm after a certain amount of time if a door is never opened. This prevents accidental disarms.

2. Anti code grabbing: this prevents people from using methods to crack your alarm code.

3. Air horns: These are sometimes found on the inside of the car and call attention to the burglar. They can also cause pain to anyone inside the car when they go off.

4. Carjack protection: Will cause the engine to turn off and a siren to blare on your vehicle. Can be activated if your car is taken by force (if you are car-jacked)

5. Door lock/unlock: Some alarms allow the power locks on the automobile to be operated by the alarm.

6. Starter kill: This will kill the ignition or starter of the vehicle when the alarm is activated so the thief can not go anywhere

7. Emergency disarm: this switch allows you to disarm the alarm if it is accidentally sounded

8. Flashing lights: With some alarm systems, the car headlights or parking lights will flash when the alarm is triggered.

9. Pagers: Some alarm systems have pagers that will flash or sound off to let you know when your car alarm is triggered. This tells you in case you are indoors somewhere and wouldn’t hear the alarm on the vehicle (such as shopping or inside a club).

10. Remote starts: Some systems allow you to start your vehicle by remote before you are inside the vehicle.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Top 5 Alarm Systems Devices

Top 5 Alarm Systems DevicesWhen it comes to alarm systems, you have a lot of choices. There are many different types of alarm systems on the market today and there are also many different components that make up an alarm system. You may choose to get a simple, bare-bones type model which will have fewer “extras” or you may choose an alarm system with all the bells and whistles.

Regardless of which type you have or choose to purchase, make sure you are looking into all the details and that you find out what features and devices come with your alarm system and what does not. While many alarm systems are upgradeable, it’s much easier to get all the features you want in the first place.

Here are some common alarm system devices for you to consider when shopping for a home security alarm.

Remote controls- Many systems have remote control devices that allow you to control the system from a distance. You may be able to activate or deactivate the home alarm system from a distance and some also have a “panic” button to help you notify the police in the event of an emergency. There are many different types of remotes, each with different features.

Signs and Decals- Another great theft deterrent is advertising your alarm. House signs, window decals and other ways of advertising that your home is protected work as a theft prevention device themselves. Most criminals prefer an easier score and will pass up a home that they see is protected.

Back up power supply- Does your alarm system have some sort of back-up power supply? Will it work when the electricity is off in your home? Make sure all of your features as well as fire alarms work at all times when you have a back-up power supply.

Master controls- Your alarm system should have some sort of master keypad or master controls option for you to control how the alarm system works. With many systems, there are also mini- keypads or control options for your family to use.

Monitoring- Some type of monitoring, whether by voice or video or both can be a great addition to a bells-only alarm system. You get faster, more accurate results from a security system when you have a great monitoring function.

Types Of Alarm Systems

Some of the highest security can be found in places such as banks and financial institutions as well as government facilities. Some with lower security alarms may include small public schools and other non-profit organizations.

The type of alarm system that is used will depend partly on what it is meant to protect and defend and also depends on other factors such as the budget allowed for the system and the level of threat to the facility.

Some types of alarm systems used in commercial settings are for:

• Intrusion alert
• HUGS infant monitoring
• Anti-theft
• Fire and life safety alerts
• Camera surveillance
• And more

When selecting an alarm system for your commercial need, consider what type of set up needs protecting and the right type of alarm to make that happen.

Decrease Your Chance Of Burglary Using Alarm Systems

Decrease Your Chance Of Burglary Using Alarm SystemsDid you know that having an alarm system can significantly decrease your chances of being a victim of a robbery? Even if you never thought you could be a victim, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Hundreds of thousands of burglaries happen in America as well as other countries. Don’t become one of the statistics; protect yourself and your family with an alarm system.

Burglars Run from a Secured Home

Simply having the alarm system in the first place will deter many would-be thieves from attempting to burglarize your home. Former burglars and self-professed burglars even admit that if they see an alarm system sign, stickers on the windows or visually detect pieces of an alarm system, they will try to avoid the home. Most do not consider the risk to be worth it and will move on to an unsecured home instead.

Protect Yourself from Crime

That’s not all your alarm system can do for you. Alarm systems also stop other types of crimes aside from just theft. If anyone had intentions to harm you or someone in your family or commit a rape, kidnapping, etc, they would be less likely to enter your home to do these things when you have an alarm system.

Even if they do still attempt the crime, your alarm system will sound and call for help as well as give you time to get away or to find a way to defend yourself. Many people have been saved from harm and theft because of their alarm system. Still, more people than we will ever know have had burglars choose another home over theirs because of the presence of an alarm system.

No Price Tag for Security

Many people avoid getting an alarm system because they are afraid it will cost too much. They don’t want to spend the added money or believe they will just “take their chances” but when you think of all that an alarm system can save you, there is no question of its worth.

You can’t put a price on safety and security and that’s what you get for yourself and your family when you install and operate a proper functioning alarm system for your home. There are other benefits as well such as lowering your home insurance and increasing its value.

Alarm Systems Benefits

Most everyone has an alarm system these days either in their homes or in their workplaces. This means that almost everyone has had to use one at some point. If you are trying to decide if you should get one for your home, you are not alone. Many people across the globe have asked themselves the same thing. Would you like to find out why so many are choosing to get an alarm system?

Many people are making the decision of whether or not they should put one in their homes when they move, purchase a new home or just want to update their personal safety. You should take the time to learn more about a particular alarm system if you are considering using it in your home or for your family’s safety.

When it’s time for you to decide if you should have an alarm system installed, you should look into the many great benefit of choosing an alarm system to help you make your decision. You also have to remember that there are different types of systems with different benefits to each one.

There are many great benefits to choosing an alarm system. For example:

1. Security
2. Safety
3. Protection
4. Insurance benefits

When you have an alarm system in effect at your home, there are different things you may be getting protection from. For example, people think that burglary is the only thing an alarm system is for and while it is one of the big ones for sure, it is not the only reason. It can also help protect you and your family from other home intruders that may want to harm you in some way.

In addition, there are home alarms that work to help you stay safe. They contain high tech smoke and fire alarms as well as toxic gases and more so that you will be notified right away in there is an emergency in your home. An alarm can help you know in time to get yourself and your family members out safely. In addition, if no one is home at the time, the alarm system can notify emergency personnel and it could save your home, animals and pets, etc.

Information About Home Security

Information About Home SecurityMost US residents worry about their home security and leaving their home unprotected while they work or travel. And if they live in bad neighborhoods where crime is frequent, they may even have trouble sleeping. Unfortunately, living in fear isn't that unusual today. Elderly people living alone and latch-key kids at home alone after school are vulnerable and less able to protect themselves. Fear may even drive people to keep guns in their homes, introducing the risk of being injured or killed by your own weapon!

No matter how unrealistic our fears may be, they are based on real events. The daily news is evidence of the danger of becoming a victim of crime, and the proliferation of crime-oriented television shows creates even more concern. Let's face it. People are becoming more cautious these days, and well they should.

Even in sparsely-populated rural areas, people are locking their doors and windows. Children are taught not to open the door to strangers. Dead bolts and chain locks are top sellers. When families leave town for a few days, they stop mail deliveries and ask neighbors to keep an eye out for them. Whole neighborhoods cooperate to establish Neighborhood Watch programs. And many households are equipped with home security devices.

Modern burglars, vandals, and other intruders are smart. They don't enter just any home. They watch and wait for the right opportunity to relieve you of your possessions or deface your property. They do their homework, identifying easy entry points, observing family schedules, and always planning alternative ways to make a fast buck.

Locking your doors and windows just doesn't cut it anymore. Unless your home was constructed using hard, heavy-duty lumber, massive doors, thick unbreakable glass, and double-secure installation, windows and doors might as well be open portals to the experienced intruder. Even those extra-secure features will only serve to slow a burglar down. They may prevent break-ins if your intruder as to make a lot of noise to get in. But is it worth the risk?

Criminals pay attention to home security systems, too. They know how to disable or avoid them. But a house that's well-equipped with a reliable home security system that combines alarms, motion detectors, and video monitoring is a good, dependable deterrent.

The truth is that even the best home security systems aren't enough alone. Households that contain a lot of valuables, whether they're expensive items or precious family heirlooms with sentimental value, need extra security measures to be secure. A strong fireproof safe is an asset, particularly when you have important papers and cash on hand. And good lighting around the perimeter of your home and yard discourages strangers who don't want to be seen.

Alarms are popular and fairly effective, as most intruders will bolt when that screaming alarm sounds the alert. The better burglar alarm systems include a variety of security measures like motion and sound detectors, multiple control panels, cameras, and remote control keypads. Homeowners who can afford the bells and whistles will find it well worth the investment to get the added protection.

No matter where you live and what your neighborhood is like, you can secure your home from unlawful entry. There isn't a fool-proof security system: criminals are too smart and greedy for that. But if you want to install a reliable system to protect your family and prized possessions, you must make a thorough assessment.

Know what your home's vulnerabilities are and what types of measures will secure those vulnerabilities. If you need electronic equipment, do your research and find out what's most cost-effective and reliable before you make purchases. Consider all your options, including guard dogs or high-protective family pets, to improve home security and protect your family.

You don't have to live in fear or buy a gun. You can take reasonable precautions that will make your house a real, safe home.