They are still used frequently today. In fact, you will be hard pressed to find a public building or commercial property that does not have some sort of alarm system in it.
These alarm systems are used for many different reasons. Some may be used to protect the facility from intruders or theft but there are also other reasons. One other safety reason may be fire, smoke and toxic gasses.
Who Uses Commercial Alarm Systems?
Some examples of when alarm systems are used commercially would include:
• Banks
• Convenience stores
• Retail outlets
• Malls
• Public facilities after hours
• Multi-family living areas
• Educational facilities
• Schools
• Libraries
• Public and government offices
• Healthcare facilities
• Mixed use facilities
These are just some of many great commercial uses for alarm systems. Pretty much any public or commercial building or facility is going to have some sort of alarm system. Even places that are open 24 hours a day have an alarm system in case something happens. Many of these have high tech alarm systems with surveillance and more and others are simple and basic.